Ms. Temptress

Scenario - Husband cheated on his wife
How strong are you to resists sin and evil? Is it always worth to have a taste of what is forbidden? Where does "till death do us part" goes when Ms. Temptress comes in! What does a temptress looks like, will it be a Goddess of Beauty? or just a plain green Fiona (bitter)!
Hatred conquers my heart for the sin and the sinner! No family deserves to be broken, it is united by love and a temptress will wreck havoc unto them . Is this always the case? Then why does marriage exists? Vowed to love and cherish each other, till the end? forever? always?
The only acceptable reason that Jesus gave for ending a marriage:
"But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, causes her to commit adultery, and anyone who marries a woman so divorced commits adultery." Matthew 5:32
I always visit a certain blog, it left me alot of unanswered questions;
> Where does conscience and love for the family, when living in the world of lust.
> How much love is needed to keep you sane?
> Is it worth it?
> Family over Ms. Temptress or Ms. Temptress alone (amnesia, i suppose)
> For the Family -> Start anew life? -> How? -> When to start?
> Forgiveness and Acceptance? When?
I admire those who have travelled this road ending up in another detour in their lives, the strength and the faith in the Almighty up above! Hold on to your faith, keep praising His name, He listens, He sees! Everything has its own price. Wait and you will be rewarded!
**Just a Thought - Marriage is the only war where you sleep with the enemy
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